Dear One,
Do you feel that you are loved by everyone around you but still feel unloved, there is a hollow inside you that never fills. You hate yourself, doubt yourself, and question, "What am I even doing on this earth?" You may get suicidal, stuck in denial, refusing to accept that it’s not your fault. Because if it’s not you, then who? After all, they are the ones supporting you, financing you, helping with chores, paying for your education, and taking care of you. You don’t have enough proof to doubt them—your friends, colleagues, and family love them. Some are even jealous of you for having them. Your narcissist could be in any relationship, your father, mother, sibling, friend, partner, spouse, relative, grandparents, teacher, helper, boss, and even your most trusted confidant.

Impact of Narcissistic Relationships
You may develop behavioral, physical, and mental health issues with no identifiable cause. It’s as if your body is screaming for help, trying to make you see the invisible chains you’re trapped in, even when your mind refuses to believe it. Just remember if you doubt yourself, lose confidence, always need validation, are a people pleaser, are desperate to feel loved, are obsessive about your narcissist, or make the person feel like everything, when you put someone at a pedestal level, you feel empty and useless after all the effort, whatever you do is never enough, you work hard for the little respect, you feel unseen, unheard, isolated, not understood. You will have everything yet you feel like a beggar. Your achievements are minimized and failures are highlighted. In the name of care, they will control. Your identity is lost, you are robbed, isolated from anyone or anything that empowers you... then know, there is a narcissist around you. Behavioral issues like people pleasing, confusion, isolation, memory issues, begging, clingy, needy, hungry for admiration, and low self-worth. You keep changing jobs, friends, locations. Psychological problems like mood swings, irritation, anger, sadness, depression, OCD, Anxiety, PTSD, uncontrollable crying, fainting episodes, rejection, acute emptiness, or acting out behavior. Unexplained medical issues like migraine, temporary blindness, Cardiovascular Problems, Gastrointestinal Issues, Weakened Immune System, IBS, unexplained body pain, or sudden illness. Not clinically but in a way delusional for hoping they will change.
Furthermore, emerging research in neurobiology suggests that long-term narcissistic abuse can lead to changes in brain function and structure. Chronic stress from such relationships may alter neural pathways, affecting decision-making and emotional regulation.
Individuals in relationships with narcissists must seek professional support. Therapists experienced in dealing with narcissistic abuse can provide strategies to cope with the psychological and physical effects, aiding in the recovery and restoration of well-being.

The beginning of the illusion
They present themselves as smart, intelligent, charismatic, calm, in control of their emotions, not easily offended, accommodating, always seen in action, working, joking, good with adults, fun with children, the life of the party, and incredible humor. They are mostly positioned as leaders, providers, or the alpha in the family. Everyone wants them around, they always get people's undivided attention wherever they go they always shine. There is this class, some magnetic attraction, it's very hard to miss, especially if you are raised by narcissistic parents. In their company, you feel like high on cocaine. You are equally smart, beautiful, intelligent, a problem solver, better at managing work and home, and have a designation and identity of your own, the manipulator is attracted to your empathetic charm. Their lies will deceive signals of gut feeling, your well-wisher's advice, the proof of their cunning story is right in front of your eyes, but the adrenaline of narc is so high, you don't know how else you will survive. The funny thing is what they are, what you like in them is a reflection of you, they steal your persona and project theirs on you, what you hate in yourself is not you, however, you have been gaslighted in believing you are pathetic and they are the best in you. Ladies and Gentleman, I present you The Covert Narcissist - The Dual Personality - The Devil in pure disguise.
Who Are Covert Narcissists?
Covert narcissists are subtle yet highly manipulative individuals who maintain a dual personality. On the surface, they appear humble, successful, calm, and empathetic, often excelling in their careers and earning admiration from peers. They know how to steal attention without stepping into the limelight. However, behind closed doors, they employ psychological tactics like gaslighting (making you doubt your reality), love bombing (overwhelming you with affection to gain control), scapegoating (blaming you for their shortcomings), and smear campaigns (spreading lies to destroy your credibility).

They manipulate relationships with flying monkeys (enablers who act on their behalf) and create toxic family dynamics, often elevating one person as the golden child while condemning another as the scapegoat. Their ability to charm others while subtly undermining their victims leaves you oscillating between confusion and hope.
The play begins...

They’ll take you to parties and leave you feeling abandoned while they mingle and you are left out. When you ask, they’ll be angry, playing the victim, and call you clingy. They buy you the best things—home, car, gadgets, and they pamper you with money, helpers, and luxury — while they remain minimalistic, don't be surprised it's just part of their sadistic game and you are their favorite toy. They’ll become the victim whenever they are held accountable, accusing you of being demanding, unfair to their parents, or keeping them from their friends, they call you controlling, possessive, and exploitative, I remember I already told you they project their unwanted traits by telling lies. They’ll bring you a chair- give you comfort, feed you with care, offer you a jacket, and put up a show for the audience to admire their magnificent qualities, in front of others they disguise and they do this knowingly in complete consciousness to satisfy their empty inside. They won’t look at you, subtly ignore you, in the same party, only you will witness this rejection, leaving you perplexed unworthy, and shattered while they thrive. They’ll go the extra mile to get you something but will miss the details that matter to you, like buying you a pan with supari when they know you hate it. So, when you complain, they’ll look like the sane hero, and you’ll look lik4 the crazy zero. They know what you want, what empowers you, what makes you cry, and what leaves you numb. You will always see them on the other side, siding with a partner you never liked. Their life is a closed book, a secret, and they provide you the safety and security to get vulnerable by calling themselves good listeners and shy. They like to be in charge and control all the time, always on the lookout, if they ever find you getting empowered, celebrated, or successful they don't like and plot their diabolical plan to isolate you all the time. They might be part of the major events of your life, like graduation, PTMs, delivering a child, supporting you with finances, paying for your grooming, taking you on vacation, nursing you when you are ill, and paying the hospital bills, They may help you with your through chores, support you during delivery, change children's nappies, do their duties once in a while and make sure their bubble of illusion stays permanent, they encouraged you to go out with your friends, buy you the best of best, never stop you from directly from doing what you want, they make you laugh, supports your family, in short, you cannot put finger on the flaws of a covert narcissist. In the end, you know it's them, however, convince yourself in hindsight to make you believe you are incomplete without them, you need them to serve your purpose, and you are lucky one and forever in their debt. (self gaslighting) After all, they are the entitled king and you are born to provide them their supply. To be their priority and choice of a favorite person, to make them proud and get their attention, you go to extends, change your style, and reject anyone who unmasks the narcissistic facade; deny the reality so you can keep the illusion bubble alive. In this one-sided love story, you feel proud, as you strongly believe your narc is a reason you are alive. Blind-sighted, in the illusion of perfect love, a fairytale story, your knight in shining armor has arrived. They do all this because they’re the master manipulators. All the good things that happened to you were something you always wanted, so you tell yourself "What's the fuss", it's not them it's me who is the loud, unwanted, and disturbed". That makes their illusion stronger. During fights, they use the information shared in confidence against you, tell you nobody likes you, and if you bring a wellwisher for advice they will call you a broadcaster, eventually making their isolation technique work fine. They will not come in front but slowly put doubts about your loved ones in your mind "The compliment she gave you, was fake, you were not looking good and she wasn't honest with you because she wanted to look good and you bad." "ohh! That friend, you are so naive, your friend is exploiting you in pure daylight", and if you dare confront they will minimize, "It was a joke, you were supposed to laugh, how sensitive you are, you take things personally and always the one who start fights".
Two for One, Their dual personality is very confusing
You won't know whether you should cry, run away, seek help, or be thankful that they are by your side. Passive- aggression is their punishment, they will go mute for days, not look at you, not answer you, miss your calls, ignore your talks, and there will be no space for you to talk and confide. They will be quiet for days, pretending to be a cool and happy person everywhere, their every move will make them look good and dramatic. If they have been wronged, or someone empowered the favorite toy, challenge them of their right, revenge is something they must take, or else they cannot survive. Their revenge technique is also like their name covert, you will not know what happened, why you are world has suddenly collapsed. They are the victim and you culprit they highlight, while you sulk and wait for closer, they have already moved on and expect you to move on and focus on the present, avoiding the consequences and accountability of their actions in the past. In the name of mischief and fun, they pull your legs in front of everyone, the overt narcissist will devalue in front of everyone, and you will know it, but cover narcissist revenge is hidden, they wear the mask of the safest person and you would not know the damage they make, until you start experiencing symptoms. You tell your therapist you have the best life one can have but nothing you do is right. There is no acknowledgment, loving initiations, or validation unless they have an interest in making you smile. hey play with you in pure daylight, you catch them manipulate and you give them chance after chance in the hope they will change, looking at their "innocent face" you convince yourself you are the devil and your narc is the victim. And after all this, I guarantee, you will deny their reality, find ways to give excuses for their behavior, and bear the consequences of what they did to you and your loved ones, The day you think it's enough, you learn to believe in yourself, you consider yourself worthy of a non-toxic relationship, you dare to try therapy, a new perspective and gather the courage to accept yourself with all you have, you will see them without their mask, let go of your fairy tale denial, and you will finally find yourself, and once again you will run right in their traps. Not only your friends and family, but they have the skills to mesmerize your therapist, making you the one insane and turning you against yourself, by gaslighting and making you doubt your every decision and you still submit yourself to their service believing you are the luckiest person, while in reality when you look within, you have already lost yourself and everything you have.
The Truth About Covert Narcissists
Their charm and competence are a facade designed to control, dominate, and mask their internal void. They manipulate not because you are weak, but because they fear confronting their own flaws. Recognizing their tactics and breaking free from their influence is essential. You are not the problem, nor are you crazy. The chaos they create is designed to make you doubt yourself and cling to the illusion they’ve built.
A covert narcissist doesn’t need to yell, show anger, or create dramatic scenes to make you look bad. With a smile on their face, they will subtly manipulate and deceive you and everyone around you, isolating you from kids, friends, family, your job—anything that empowers you. Eventually, they rob you of your last resource—your sanity.

They will have affairs, especially if you have done something where you shined, making sure you feel unworthy and cheap. They don't take accountability and will have the audacity to play the victim, saying "it’s because of your strict nature I might have slipped". They won’t share their life with you, but they will with their mistress, ensuring you feel you’re not enough.

Expect big drama, especially on your most special days—birthdays, anniversaries, or family gatherings. They may plan extravagant birthdays or vacations to gain fame, only to ruin most of your days. They might plan surprises with your friends but spoil them for you beforehand. They’ll put on a show of big parties or vacations and then trigger you with something, forcing you to be the one to cancel everything (this is gaslighting). They will spend on a luxury hotel, then somehow belittle you, trigger you, and would not mind if you stay out the whole night. Usually, they might be up till 3 am with their binge-watching, but on your birthday they will go to sleep at 11:30pm. They will demand all the attention and then blame you for their failures. They are attracted to your innocence, woe you with exactly how you would expect, and become your perfect idol. They will ensure you never shine, you guess it right, to project "their" shame, worthlessness, inferiority complex on you, to create an illusion of the best person in your life.
They are world-class storytellers, mixing their manipulation with some benign fault of yours. When the story is told, they look like the victim, and you look guilty. They use your truth against you, mixing it with their lies. They put on a show that no Oscar winner can match—tears, body language, helplessness—all of it to confuse you about your own reality. They may even fabricate horrible "victim stories," like being molested in childhood or having trauma or health issues, to gain your sympathy. If you don’t fall for their trap, they will call you "heartless" or accuse you of lacking empathy. If you still see through their facade, they will call their "flying monkeys," who believe their performance and jump in to show empathy to them, leaving you isolated and outnumbered.

They’ll send you on guilt trips, confirming that you’re not enough, you’re lucky to have them in your life, and that no one else could handle your "tantrums." When you cry they cuddle you, put you in their lap, and contain you making you feel like a troublemaker, clingy, or dramatic person, the one who always creates a ruckus. While they are the ones who have triggered you in the first place. They will take you to the doctors but will say "You don't have any illness, it's just an attention-seeking attempt". Remember, they know all about you, and if you are expressive and loud, it makes it easy for them. They feed on your reactions, failures, hopelessness, worthlessness, and dependency. By offering you a fairy tale life, they encourage you to put social media posts showcasing your gratitude toward them so that the world knows how much attention you get. During the love bombing, they will make sure you feel like a princess, and after that find out ways to devalue you and then discard you leaving you in the corridor the whole night. And the next day they hoover, beg you sorry, buy you bags, take you to the party and the cycle goes on.
The cycle of a narcissist typically follows a predictable pattern of manipulation that keeps their victim emotionally trapped. This cycle is often referred to as the idealization, devaluation, and discard cycle, and it starts with love bombing. Here's a breakdown of each stage:

1. Love Bombing (The Idealization Stage)
This is the first and most intoxicating phase of the cycle. During this stage, the narcissist overwhelms their victim with excessive attention, affection, and flattery. They present themselves as the perfect partner, friend, or family member, making the victim feel special, seen, and deeply valued.
What they do:
Shower you with compliments, gifts, or grand gestures.
Constantly text or call to express their "undying love" or admiration.
Mirror your desires and values to appear as your soulmate.
Create a "fairy tale" dynamic that feels too good to be true.
Promise an ideal future (this is called future faking) to keep you emotionally invested.
Why they do it: Narcissists need validation and control. By creating an illusion of perfection, they ensure their victim becomes dependent on them emotionally. This phase is a hook to gain your trust and attachment.
2. Devaluation Stage
Once the victim is hooked and emotionally dependent, the narcissist's behavior starts to shift. The adoration and praise from the love-bombing phase slowly give way to criticism, manipulation, and emotional abuse.
What they do:
Subtle put-downs or backhanded compliments to lower your self-esteem.
Gaslighting, makes you doubt your reality (e.g., "That never happened" or "You’re too sensitive").
Comparing you to others or making you feel like you’re not enough.
Withholding affection, validation, or attention, leaves you feeling confused and desperate to "win them back."
Alternating between kindness and cruelty to keep you off balance (this is called intermittent reinforcement).
Why they do it: Narcissists thrive on control. By tearing down the victim's self-esteem and creating uncertainty, they maintain dominance. This stage ensures that the victim works harder to regain the love and validation from the initial love-bombing phase.
3. Discard Stage
Once the narcissist feels they have drained the victim of their emotional energy or finds a new source of validation, they move to the discard phase. This stage is devastating for the victim, as the narcissist abruptly pulls away, leaving them confused, hurt, and longing for the initial love they received.
What they do:
Abruptly end the relationship or distance themselves emotionally.
Blame you for the downfall of the relationship ("It’s your fault I’m unhappy").
Smear your reputation to mutual friends, family, or colleagues (this is called a smear campaign).
Replace you with a new source of validation (a new partner, friend, or colleague) almost immediately.
Act indifferent to your pain, appearing as if they’ve "moved on" overnight.
Why they do it: Narcissists discard their victims when they feel their control is slipping, the victim no longer serves their needs, or they’ve found a new source of supply. This phase further ensures the victim remains confused and broken.
4. Hoovering (Optional Stage)
Sometimes, after the discard phase, a narcissist reinitiates contact with the victim. This is called hoovering (like a vacuum cleaner, sucking you back into their cycle).
What they do:
Apologize or claim they’ve changed.
Use emotional tactics like guilt, pity, or promises of a better future.
Remind you of the "good times" during the love-bombing phase.
Pretend to need your help or support, appealing to your empathy.
Why they do it: Narcissists may hoover to regain control, keep you as a backup source of validation, or punish you for trying to move on. It’s another manipulation tactic to restart the cycle.
Remember: A narcissist doesn’t change. The cycle will repeat as long as you allow it. Breaking free requires clarity, strength, and support. You deserve love that is genuine, respectful, and kind—not conditional or manipulative.

They’ll say, "I don’t like to communicate what I’m doing at work," while hoarding information about social events and sharing it last minute, making it impossible to adjust your schedule. Then, they’ll blame you for being unavailable. When you try to communicate or tell your side, they will go loud, put up a show, and accuse you, of their sins to shift the matter to win. Another technique is passive aggression. This "self-implied" world's best communicators" will go mute, sleep, walk out, or ignore you for days, ensuring you don’t "rise" and make them accountable for what they deny. Your voice becomes worthless, and your feelings are invalidated. If you want to talk about your emotions to tell them what you feel, they go on the phone, sleep, or watch TV, giving you signals to buzz off and "I don't care about your pain", this inconsistency is overwhelming you feel confused, torn between loving and hating them, questioning your worth, your sanity, and even your will to live, know this: it’s not you. It's the Devil next to you.
This is a meticulously planned and systematically executed tactic by a covert narcissist. They manipulate your reality to maintain control and hide their inner shame by making you doubt yourself.
Emotional abuse
What you’re experiencing, my friend, is real—it’s emotional abuse. And no, you don’t deserve it.
The narcissists will never reflect on their flaws; they knowingly project them onto you. There will come a time when you’ll wonder, "Am I the narcissist? Am I overanalyzing? If I work on myself, maybe this will go away. Maybe I deserve the punishment. I have a beautiful life—("the illusion of a fairy tale"). I have everything I want. It’s me who needs to change. The irony is that even after learning all this, after getting educated on what’s happening to you, you might still confront them with the hope for change. But they’ll turn the table, making you look like a narcissist. If you’re experiencing all this, let me reassure you: you are not a narcissist.
Stop doubting yourself and seek a therapist who understands narcissism, because most others will be mesmerized by their charm and will give you the diagnosis of a mentally unstable person.
Why Do They Do This?
Covert narcissists lack empathy and have a fragile sense of self. Research suggests that narcissists have deficiencies in emotional processing and mirror neurons, making it difficult for them to genuinely connect with others. Their behavior is driven by a deep sense of inadequacy, shame, and an intense fear of being exposed as vulnerable or unworthy. They create illusions of perfection and control to shield themselves from this inner turmoil.
Their mission?
To make you believe you are worthless without them and to derive sadistic pleasure from your pain. And yes! They know what they are doing, but will rarely have the courage to accept.
Breaking Free
For the victim, this dual personality is devastating. Victims often oscillate between conflicting emotions, using defenses like denial (refusing to see the reality), splitting (viewing them as either all-good or all-bad), ambivalence (feeling both love and hate for them), and resistance (clinging to the illusion of the narcissist’s created fairy tale). These defenses make it harder to leave, as the narcissist feeds your hope with moments of kindness or fake temporary change, only to revert to manipulation. If you try to leave before they have another source of narcissistic supply, they will do anything to please you and make you stay, they will again plot a fairy tale (this is called future faking), send you on a guilt trip for being so harsh with this "innocent soul" (this is called gaslighting), or they charm you with the mesmerizing time that captures you (this is love bombing) they play cool, walk-in style, live in denial to avoid their cunning actions and if you still fail to be under their control as before, they will begin a "smear campaign". They will call the people who matter to you and tell them stories to defame you.

And the most important thing, you will see people like me writing and telling stories to stand up for yourself, and save yourself, yes it's true you will be at a better place without them, but do not- I repeat DO NOT attempt till you are ready in all the ways, till then be the "YES" person, play along, let them see they are winning, and protect your peace and happiness in disguise. Don't personalize what they say, don't believe what they say, and all the bad things they say are not you, but their projection on you. Whatever gives you power is a threat to them, be careful not to challenge them. Live low, don't shine or don't get dim, and keep your near and dear ones unknown from them. The way they take revenge is scary, so try not to challenge them even if you are ready. Let them, just let them be, you just take care of yourself.
Exit Strategies
The exit is going to be messy. Don’t pray or wait for easy exits, or hope they will change—this hope will be the biggest hindrance in your journey to exit from a narcissistic illusion. Do not expect closer, don't try to take revenge (believe me, they are so good at it, you will have no chance to win) Don't worry if they show you they have moved on and now another person is getting what you want. The truth is that THEY WILL NEVER CHANGE you know this is all a facade. They can take away everything from you, even your children, to punish you.
Your reality is distorted so no wonder you will try to take validations from others but it will not help, do not expect to be understood by anyone. No one can, don't waste energy on deaf ears and empty, uneducated minds. Build your tribe, know the correct people, and keep them by your side. It's a rocky road ahead, don't hesitate to ask for help. When meeting other people, especially the common ones try to be neutral, don't get on the mission to tell your side. The more you get impacted, they win, and if you are not careful they may never leave. Just be invisible, remember you already know this feeling, your narc has made sure of it. In short, no explanation to anyone not even to yourself, It's normal to go through the pain when you aren't ready to let go of them. To avoid the vacuum (illusionary and strong) you may get sucked back into the black hole, don't worry, take care, beware, and do not personalize - what they say is not your identity,
1 year is the minimum requirement of total absence to flush out the drugs called narcissistic abuse you have to take. You will miss the "illusionary" security, safety, luxury, and warmth they have created, pin your illusionary bubble, and see you have already paid your debt without your consent they took your soul to juggle and play to be your master and get entertained in any which way. They mold you as they wish, they use you as they please, what more is left to clear the debt? An empath soul you are, always on edge to care for the abuser (trauma bond) you would want to go back and know how they are doing, and find different methods to be their go-to person. Their touch, feel, smell, breath, cuddle, warmth, laughter, intimate moments, fun times, care, attention, and affection, they idolize you, and make you look like the founder and keeper of their precious self. everything that you ever want. Losing them is like losing your identity, you get tired of being alone and hope to see the hero of your life, your lost knight who will come to rescue you once more and take you away this time. (hoovering)

Confronting a narcissist of their traits and showing them the mirror is a bad decision, they will project everything right back at you, it's not your job to show them a mirror or help them heal. Don't invest your energy in teaching them a lesson, they are not going to learn. Staying in turmoil will spoil your health. Don't challenge their ego, they cannot handle narcissistic injury and then they may make a mission to sabotage you. They don't care if they win or not but will put all their energy so you lose. Some of you may choose not to leave thinking they need you, You may contemplate, what's your narcissist's fault? "I have to do my duty, what if something happens to them, what will people say? They will be deprived of love and care, and how will finances be managed, there are bills and school fees to be paid. I get that... do not leave, till you are ready to leave. I understand it's not going to be an easy decision. Leaving is the best decision, but if you can't escape physically then mentally distance yourself. Detach yourself, choose yourself, go to therapy, and eliminate your obsession and addiction to be around them. Clean up your mind space, and where they reside, and make room for people with whom you can thrive. There is no bigger satisfaction than you are living an abuser-free life, having a sense of self, connected to reality, and believing in self.
Narc Detox
Use the gray rock, yellow rock firewall, or any other technique to protect your sanity, write a daily journal, or take pictures to confirm your reality. Surround yourself with good people who understand your covert pain. Ensure they don’t know your confidants or your next move because they will turn them against you. Maintain your internal boundaries, and stay detached. Know that it's okay to grieve, there is a death of a beautiful (even though illusionary) relationship. My advice, sit with your emotions and allow yourself to feel the unwanted feelings, acknowledge, validate, and accept the feelings, take a day or two, sit in your discomfort, moan, cry, curse, and go wild, but whatever you do, remember not to be stuck in the misery, you got a life to thrive. For at least 1 year don't go back to your narc to give them their supply. Be compassionate, be kind, be courageous, and trust yourself, you can do this, yes you can. No Contact with them or no talk about them via middleman. Cut off from phones, social media, and common contacts (if possible) and erase them from your mind space, if you see them somewhere behave like you don't know them. Stay calm, your heart may be racing on their one sight, so take a few deep breaths. Don't go on self-pity, ignore them and move on, If they try to reach you, block them, do not fight, curse, or provoke them. Your reaction is their supply, starve them so they lose interest and find someone else. Do not avoid anything and stay in the dark room, it's not going to help. Take your life back try to manage your emotions with the help of your therapist and improve your skills. Take charge, you got this. They may send their flying monkeys, to detox the social circle, and keep it mundane and boring, they will try to trigger you, but don't give anyone the power to bother you. What people say and think can not decide your course of life. When someone uses you, use them back. I know nothing is going to be easy, after all, narc addiction is very crazy. To detox, use your resource, wellwisher, your tribe, family, and friends, read books, go exercise, and do the things, that give you zeal. Grow up it's time to heal.

True freedom begins with radical acceptance—the bravery to face reality as it is, without sugarcoating or denial. It means understanding that the good times you cherished were not genuine but part of a covert narcissist’s carefully crafted fairy tale. Accepting this truth is painful but necessary for your liberation and for your emotional, mental, and physical health. For your self-esteem and soul. All you need is an intention and action to emotionally grow up. As all other growth, this will be painful.
Research suggests Narcissists can change, but it's rare and requires a strong commitment to self-awareness, therapy, and growth. Most narcissists will not change unless they face significant consequences or genuinely want to improve their lives.

Your healing journey will not be easy, whether you choose to stay or leave. Either path will require strength, help, and validation because their manipulation distorts your reality, leaving you questioning everything. You need someone to help you reconnect with the truth and empower you to accept it. The day you are ready to let go of the fairy tale is the day you will free your soul.
Yes, the future may seem uncertain, but once the fog lifts, you will see the path ahead clearly. It will be your journey—raw, real, and entirely yours. Be patient with yourself. The road may be rocky, but each step will bring you closer to reclaiming your peace, joy, and sense of self. No more doubting yourself, they picked you because you already have more than them.
All you need to see, believe, and embrace yourself with your good and bad.

Remember, you are not crazy, and this is not your fault. You are worthy of love, freedom, and a life where you can thrive. You are enough, believe in yourself, give your best, and build a new life, time to let go of your narcissist's projected identity, Your identity is from your inner self.
No! it's not you, it's the devil next to you!
With love and strength,